Saturday, March 7, 2009

Madness #22--ancient history

Sometimes, my little mommy self misses the days before my son...

...found out that crayons were edible, fun to brush his teeth with, and could break in half.
...thought that throwing every single one of his Legos down the stairs, one at a time, for Mommy to trip on, was a good idea.
...decided to be afraid of water, making bath time a nightmare for all of us.
...discovered the joy of glaring at Mama from underneath his blonde bangs.
...learned how to take his socks and shoes off when we're running late and trying to get out the door.
...would rather hang out with Elmo than his own mother.
...realized that screaming the word "TAT-tooooooo" while pointing at someone with a visible tattoo really embarrasses Mommy.
...started misbehaving badly enough to warrant spankings before breakfast.
...knew that he was capable of asking for something, then of refusing it when it's offered.
...understood that he was cute and how to use it to his advantage.
...felt it was just hilarious to blow his nose into my clothing or hand.

But you know what? I wouldn't trade that kid for any other kid in the world. Because with all these new things he's learning come other new things--like how to yell "lah-loo" to tell Mama that he loves her, and how to give Mommy sweet kisses through the bars of his crib at bedtime.

If that's my reward for wiping boogers off my pants every day, I'll take all the half-chewed crayons and missing socks I can get.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Madness #21--"Wake up, sleepy-head!"

My three all-time favorite ways to be woken up?

1. Having Legos thrown at me.
2. Getting my face slapped by a tiny little hand, while "MA!!" is yelled right in my ear.
3. Hearing the word "poop" being whispered in the other room, steadily getting louder and louder until I go in and find someone standing in his crib desperately trying to un-Velcro his very messy diaper.

Whoever said being a mom wasn't absolutely crazy is absolutely crazy.

Monday, March 2, 2009


You know you're a mother when a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a sleeping child taking his second nap of the day, two corn dogs, friends coming over tonight to watch the final "Bachelor" episode, a Dutch Bros blended annihilator, and a Tyra Show rerun make you blissfully happy.